DDB Tipe Multi titik pompa minyak listrik

DDB type electric grease pump is a compact structure, excellent performance, high output pressure electric plunger lubrication pump, up to 24 pump units at the same time, and can be arbitrarily chosen..Equipped with an independent relief valve to prevent pressure overload of the pump unit, and can complete the centralized overflow return function in SLR, each oil outlet has its own distributor to distribute the grease proportionally to each lubrication point through the Cu. Dalam sistem pelumasan progresif, distributor masing -masing outlet minyak membentuk sistem pelumasan independen, dan di bawah pengontrol proses, minyak dapat dikirim ke setiap titik pelumasan pada interval reguler dan kuantitatif. Jika dilengkapi dengan saklar tingkat oli, pompa dapat mencapai alarm tingkat oli yang rendah, dan tutupan pelindung motor dapat mencegah debu dan hujan. mesin.