Hya - D type manual lubricant oleum sentinam

Euismod characteres: De Piston Type Manus pressura sentinam habet accurate et Novifacta oleum defluxiones, quae est facile ad adjust. A reprehendo valvae est provisum est ne ad defluxiones olei agente ex fluit retro. Securus ut install et Ude.This manus - pressed tenuis oleum lubrication sentinam salvet industria et protegit environmental munditiam. Compatible cum suis distributor: PV series councus. Supporting mensuræ partes: DPC.DPV Series. Oil viscosity: 32-250cst.Specifications and technical parameters: It should be noted that the HYA type can only press the handle once when filling oil, and after the oil supply is completed (the handle recovers by itself), the next action can be carried out to avoid damage to the lubrication pump parts.