T86 type pressurized quantitative distributor, also known as positive displacement quantitative distributor, belongs to the pressurized action type, that is, the pressure oil agent delivered by the lubrication pump pushes the piston in the metering part, and the oil agent stored in the metering part Last thalamum pressed ad lubricatae punctum tempus, et oleum agente est re - reponuntur in cubiculum post systema est expositae parare Postero Work.The ratio oportet opus intermittas et matching lubrication sentinam debet habere munus munus. In opus exolvuntur, in metering partes tantum solvi oleum semel, et distantia, prope, humilis, horizontale vel vertical installation of metering partes ab invicem habet effectus in displacement. Accurate mensurae, sensitivo actio, lenis oleum INCILE. Reprehendo valvulae ne oleum backflow.