ST-5/ST-6 Type Automatic paint spray guns

ST-5: one connection to air pressure (air pressure adjusted to 3-4 kg with air pressure regulator valve) and another connection to liquid pressure (liquid pressure 1-2 kg), ensuring that the air pressure is slightly greater than the liquid pressure. If the liquid is not under pressure, it can also be siphoned off, i.e. the air pressure is around 3 kg. The other end of the hose connected to the liquid is placed directly in the static liquid, and the static liquid is not more than 1.5 m away from the spray to be atomised.

ST-6: Two connections are connected to air pressure and the other to liquid pressure, ensuring that the air pressure is slightly greater than the liquid pressure. If the liquid is not under pressure, it can also be siphoned, i.e. the air pressure is about 3 kg. The other end of the hose connected to the liquid is placed directly in the static liquid, and the distance of the static liquid from the nozzle should not exceed 1.5 m to atomise.