Ukufakwa kohlelo lokufuywe okuphakathi nendawo - I-FEMPLE ye-Pibane yokulungisa i-tube yohlelo lokuthambisa - jianhe

Sihlala sithola umsebenzi owenziwe waba yizisebenzi ezibonakalayo ukuqinisekisa ukuthi singakunikeza kalula okuphezulu kakhulu - ikhwalithi nenani elikhulu kakhulu leUhlelo oluphakathi lwe-grease lubrication, Ukuzikhohlisa kohlelo lwe-chassis, Iphampu yesandla i-Buket Grease Pump, Izinhloso zethu eziyinhloko ukuletha abathengi bethu emhlabeni wonke ngekhwalithi ephezulu, intengo yokuthengisa yokuncintisana, ukulethwa okwenelisekile kanye nabahlinzeki abahle.
Ukufakwa kohlelo lokufuywe okuphakathi nendawo - I-FEMPLE ye-FEMPLE YOKUQHAWULA I-TUBE yohlelo lokugcotshwa kwe-lubrication - Jianhedetail:


Izithombe zomkhiqizoUkuthayiphaI-Tube OutdiaInombolo yebhontshisi
 2121I-PCB - 6 - 1ተ Afri abe1 ishubhu
I-PCB - 6 - 22 ishubhu
I-PCB - 6 - 33 Ishubhu
I-PCB - 6 - 44 Ishubhu
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I-PCB - 8 - 22 ishubhu
I-PCB - 8 - 33 Ishubhu
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I-PCB - 12 - 1Φ121 ishubhu
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I-PCB - 12 - 33 Ishubhu
I-PCB - 12 - 44 Ishubhu
2121 PC - 4 - 1Φ 41 ishubhu
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PC - 4 - 33 Ishubhu
PC - 4 - 44 Ishubhu
PC - 6 - 1ተ Afri abe1 ishubhu
PC - 6 - 22 ishubhu
PC - 6 - 33 Ishubhu
PC - 6 - 44 Ishubhu
I-PC - 8 - 1201 ishubhu
I-PC - 10 - 1Φ 101 ishubhu

Imikhiqizo Imikhiqizo:

Central Lubrication System Fittings - Pipe clamp for fixing tube of the lubrication system – Jianhe detail pictures

Central Lubrication System Fittings - Pipe clamp for fixing tube of the lubrication system – Jianhe detail pictures

Central Lubrication System Fittings - Pipe clamp for fixing tube of the lubrication system – Jianhe detail pictures

Central Lubrication System Fittings - Pipe clamp for fixing tube of the lubrication system – Jianhe detail pictures

Umhlahlandlela womkhiqizo ohlobene:

Inkampani yethu igcizelela yonke inqubo yekhwalithi yenqubomgomo ye- "Product Good Good isisekelo sokusinda kwamabhizinisi; Ukugcwaliseka komthengi kuzoba yindawo yokubuka kanye nokuphela kwenkampani, futhi nenhloso yokugcwala kuqala, i-Shopper kuqala" I-FEMPLE ye-FEMPLE yokulungisa i-tube yohlelo lokugcotshwa kokugcotshwa - Jianhe, umkhiqizo uzohlinzeka kuwo wonke umhlaba, njenge: Algeria, Los Angeles, i-Iran, imikhiqizo yethu ithole idumela elihle ngasinye sezizwe ezihlobene nalelo nalelo nalelo zwe elihlobene nalokhu. Ngoba ukusungulwa kwenkampani yethu. Siphikelele ekukhiqizweni kwethu kwenqubo yokukhiqiza kanye nendlela yakamuva yokuphatha yosuku lwakamuva, ukuheha inani elikhulu lamathalente ngaphakathi kwalo mkhakha. Sibheka ikhambi ikhwalithi enhle njengohlamvu lwethu olubaluleke kakhulu ngokweqiniso.
