Amafektri wesistimu esikude kakhulu elungele amafutha ahamba phambili - I-Pipe Clamp yokulungiswa kwe-tube yohlelo lokuthambisa - jianhe

Izikhungo zethu ze-Well - Ezihlosiwe kanye nokulawulwa kwekhwalithi enhle kakhulu kuzo zonke izigaba zokukhiqiza kusenza sikwazi ukuqinisekisa ukuzanelisa umthengiI-120 lb gread pump, I-Lube Lubrication System, Stm grease pump, Sikwamukela ngokweqiniso abangane abavela kuwo wonke umhlaba ukuze babambisane nathi ngaphakathi kwesisekelo eside -
Amafayela wesistimu ehamba phambili elungele amafutha okufanelana -Pipe Clamp ukuthola i-tube yokulungisa uhlelo lokuthambisa - jianhedetail:


Izithombe zomkhiqizoUkuthayiphaI-Tube OutdiaInombolo yebhontshisi
 2121I-PCB - 6 - 1ተ Afri abe1 ishubhu
I-PCB - 6 - 22 ishubhu
I-PCB - 6 - 33 Ishubhu
I-PCB - 6 - 44 Ishubhu
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I-PCB - 8 - 22 ishubhu
I-PCB - 8 - 33 Ishubhu
I-PCB - 8 - 44 Ishubhu
I-PCB - 10 - 1Φ 101 ishubhu
I-PCB - 10 - 22 ishubhu
I-PCB - 10 - 33 Ishubhu
I-PCB - 10 - 44 Ishubhu
I-PCB - 12 - 1Φ121 ishubhu
I-PCB - 12 - 22 ishubhu
I-PCB - 12 - 33 Ishubhu
I-PCB - 12 - 44 Ishubhu
2121 PC - 4 - 1Φ 41 ishubhu
PC - 4 - 22 ishubhu
PC - 4 - 33 Ishubhu
PC - 4 - 44 Ishubhu
PC - 6 - 1ተ Afri abe1 ishubhu
PC - 6 - 22 ishubhu
PC - 6 - 33 Ishubhu
PC - 6 - 44 Ishubhu
I-PC - 8 - 1201 ishubhu
I-PC - 10 - 1Φ 101 ishubhu

Imikhiqizo Imikhiqizo:

Famous Best Remote Grease Fitting System Factories –Pipe clamp for fixing tube of the lubrication system – Jianhe detail pictures

Famous Best Remote Grease Fitting System Factories –Pipe clamp for fixing tube of the lubrication system – Jianhe detail pictures

Famous Best Remote Grease Fitting System Factories –Pipe clamp for fixing tube of the lubrication system – Jianhe detail pictures

Famous Best Remote Grease Fitting System Factories –Pipe clamp for fixing tube of the lubrication system – Jianhe detail pictures

Umhlahlandlela womkhiqizo ohlobene:

Cishe wonke amalungu avela kumakhasimende we-Crew Faluling Reciening Crew's amakhulu we-Crew's kanye ne-Enterprise Ukuxhumana okuhle kakhulu kwamafutha okugcina ama-grease system-secall, i-Iraland, i-Ottanda, i-Nepal, i-Ottand, sithola amaklayenti akho ekhaya nakwamanye amazwe ahloselwe umkhuba wokuthuthuka okuthe xaxa njengoba Njalo. Sikholwa ukuthi uzozuza kubungcweti bethu kungekudala.
